Hwajinpo Lake Hike in Goseong, South Korea

Hwajinpo Lake is the largest lagoon in South Korea. It is located in the northeast county of Goseong, just south of the DMZ in Gangwon province.
Why this Hike is Awesome
While Hwajinpo Lake does not have a hiking trail that goes around its 16km perimeter, it does have a wide and well-mainted bike trail with numerous stop off points to see the lake’s birds and aquatic life. I walked around the southern part of the lake on an early July morning, and was only passed by two bicycles. You can combine this hike with a dip at Hwajinpo Beach on the ocean side, or a visit to Hwajinpo Ecological Museum.
You can choose to do the northern part of the lake (6km), the southern part of the lake (10km) or a combination of the two for a longer hike. I did the southern part of the lake, and it took about 2.5 hours, without kids. I stopped a few times to observe the birds at various viewpoints. This would be a great bike trail to do with kids as well, as long as they brake on hills and be aware of traffic safety for the small sections of the trail that overlap with county roads.
The trail is mostly flat. There are a few decent hills where less experienced bikers may need to hop off and walk the bike. For walking, since it’s all on a bike path, any elevation gain is gradual, and you go right back down to be closer to the lake.
Most of the path is paved. You could do a significant portion of this trail with a stroller, if you stay to the side and are wary of passing bikes. In some sections, there are trail carpets laid down for small excursions into the wetlands to view birds.
Because it’s a bike trail, you need to stay to the side of the trail and shouldn’t let your kids walk abreast. This trail is likely busier in the spring and fall, when a greater variety of migratory birds can be viewed from the path. There are large wooden viewing platforms that you can climb to look out over the lagoon.
Age Recommendation
This hike is safe for all ages, it depends on your child’s endurance and your ability to carry them if they get tired. You could stop along different points of the trail, closer to the viewing areas and the trails into the inlets, to do a shorter walk and avoid bikers whizzing by.
Our Route
I parked at the Hwajinpo Lake Ecological Museum and headed southeast around the perimeter of the lake. I went all the way around the larger portion of the lagoon, crossing back at the Villa of Rhee Syngma instead of continuing around the northern portion. Pine forests flank the lagoon, you can also walk in the trails between the lake and the ocean, or further inland at the Hwajinpo Lake Pine Tree Forest Park.
Restaurants & Shops
Aside from the parking area for Hwajinpo Beach, there are no restaurants, shops, or convenience stores along the route. It’s just you and the birds, and some rice paddies. Bring along what you need for snacks or a picnic. You can refill your water at public restrooms located along the route.
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