Tourist Shopping Guide: Top Souvenirs from Pakistan

In order to truly experience Pakistan, you should shop in a traditional open-air bazaar. Be prepared for a sensory overload and some tough bargaining. I lived in Pakistan for over three years, and I have spent countless hours haggling in bazaars. Here are my top 10 choices for souvenirs from all over the country.
1) Shawls
Pakistani women wear gorgeous colorful shawls during cooler weather. You can buy soft solid colored shawls to match a favorite coat, or you can buy bold patterned shawls with sequins and exquisite embroidery. Shawls come in two sizes, small and large. The large ones are called stoles, and honestly they would probably be too big to actually wear in the West. Alternatively stoles make great wall hangings, curtains, tablecloths and bed coverings. A typical shawl will set you back about 300 rupees ($3.75), is easy to pack and will be a sure hit with any ladies back home.
2) Multan Pottery
Handmade pottery from Multan, in Punjab, is a treat for the eyes. Traditionally the pottery is made in blue and white with floral decorations, but you can also find different designs and colors. For the best prices, go to Multan, but the pottery can be bought in the bazaars of any major city.
3) Embroidered Bedsheets
In Pakistan, bedsheets are usually custom made and are very affordable. Pop into any bedsheet store and pick out a pattern on one of their large rolls. Usually you can get the bedsheets and the pillowcases sewn up within a few hours. If you want something really nice, check out designer home décor at Bareeze or Chen One.
4) Onyx
This may be one of the only souvenirs you can buy in Pakistan but not in India. Pakistan is famous for black onyx. It’s not the cheapest souvenir, but if you want something different go for a vase or box in black onyx.
5) Carved Wood
Carved inlaid wood can be found in any traditional bazaar where furniture is sold. You can also find carved wooden souvenirs inside tourist emporiums, although you’ll pay a bit more to buy it there. Vases, boxes, and chess sets are popular souvenirs.
6) Men’s Felt Hats
In Northern Pakistan, many men wear curled felt hats to protect them from the cold. They are similar to a French beret but are more fitted. You can buy a felt hat for just a few hundred rupees.
7) Stone Jewelry
Precious and semi-precious stones are mined all over Northern Pakistan. In the Gilgit bazaar I love to buy stone earring and necklace sets, for less than $2 each. You can buy rubies, emeralds, sapphires and other gems for less than in the United States. In the North, there is a cooperative in Karimabad that has excellent prices and products. This jewelry has a traditional flair to it. Otherwise, you can get gold jewelry at different dealers in any major city. Liberty Market, Lahore is famous for gold jewelry.
8) Wall Hanging
Traditional Sindhi handiwork makes an amazing wall hanging that can serve a conversation piece for your living room or add some style to a bedroom. Keep in mind that there are two types, the regular type that is made to look rough and antique, and the type marketed for tourists that uses bolder, brighter colors and doesn’t have so many rough edges.
9) Carpets
If you’ve got money to spend, a carpet is a great souvenir. Carpets, especially from Afghanistan or Iran, are not cheap but they are beautiful. Prices vary considerably by the density of the threads per square inch, and carpet buying is best done with a local Pakistani friend.
Hope you enjoy your trip to Pakistan, and make sure you leave room in your suitcase for all the amazing souvenirs you’ll be bringing home.
Shawls by Ashley Wang
Onyx bowls by Cobalt123
Felt hat by Olivier Galibert
This post will help me so much as I was unsure what to buy everyone back home as I’m currently visiting Pakistan. Thank you!
The classic photo paragraph was highly offensive. In all my years of living and traveling to Pakistan never have I ever casually come across a bearded man with a turban holding an AK-47, unless he was in the army. Thank you for spreading a false depiction of Pakistan, as if white folks weren’t brainwashed already.
Hi Sarah, I’m not sure about your experience in Pakistan and where it took you, but I lived in Pakistan for 3 years from 2006 to 2009, and I encountered men with AK47s and other guns almost everywhere. The guards outside of my workplace, the guards at every small shoe store or other shop in Defence area, the riot police in the streets, the bodyguards at the local churches. Hence I absolutely disagree with you that I am spreading a false depiction of Pakistan as per this detail. There may be many incorrect views in the Western media, however during my time there from 2006 to 2009, heavy arms were visible and part of everyday life in Lahore, Islamabad, and Sialkot all of which I spent significant time in. I personally did not have a bodyguard, but I interacted on a daily basis with the guards at my workplaces. Some of them asked me to take photos with them and their guns!
Well I totally disagree with this assertion that u will find people armed with AK 47 everywhere u go in Pakistan. I have lived in Pakistan for 50 + years and have extensively travelled around the world also. It is quite common everywhere to have armed security at malls, shops, offices etc. Pakistan has been suffering from terrorism for past few decades which has increased the requirement to have security at some places. But, certainly it is incorrect that you will find people brandishing AK 47 everywhere, other than members of police / security forces. By the way private security guards at most places carry short guns and not AK 47. Need to differentiate. You can look at crime index in Pakistan and compare it with any place in the west. Compare Lahore with Chicago and find out which city fares better.
Due to several readers expressing concern over this item, I have removed it. Thanks for being conscientious.
You’re completely right !!!! In this country the situation is in a constant danger. There are police and army, ATF, Rangers everywhere. I disagree even Me with Sarah and I dont know which Pakistan does she visited. There are so many cases of terrorism, genocide of Hazara etnicity ( 4 Exmp ) and killing for religious causes…..the hope is that maybe in future it will be better, but for now it’s even quite dangerous to be visited. Tourism can bring many advanteges for the local and national ecnomy, but unfortunationaly they are not ready for this.
Your second explanation/reply to Sarah of the ”men’ carrying guns is correct. You are not wrong in saying that you’ll find men in Pakistan holding guns- but these men are either guards/workers.
General public don’t walk around carrying guns in their every day lives.
The text for classic photo is a little misleading to those who have never visited Pakistan. You could perhaps consider re-phrasing that paragraph.
Anyhow, Im visiting Pakistan soon and found this to be a great post!
Many thanks!
Due to several readers expressing concern over this item, I have removed it. Thanks for being conscientious.
Your writing seem to imply that ordinary people (other than armed guards) carry AK-47 to work. We do have armed Guards on many buildings. We dont carry guns as causually as you seem to imply. Kindly remove the item from your writing and please add photos for each item, Thanks.
Dear Sana,
Thanks for adding your perspective and experience. I did have friends and neighbors in Lahore who kept weapons at home and carried them on occasion. This was my experience, however it was from 2006 to 2009. I assume things may have changed over such a long time.
Due to several readers expressing concern over this item, I have removed it. Thanks for being conscientious.
Stop with the crap… she’s right! I live there off and on (till this day) and you’ll see guards and AK-47s everywhere! I have guards there myself. Please stop with the political correctness BS.
Heather, I think the key point is that those were *guards*, police, you were in the Defence area… Not average citizens. That’s like saying “I was at Fort Bragg and everyone had a gun”. Definitely not as common as you make it sound, at least not in Karachi…I agree with Sarah.
Point taken, although I did see armed guards in other neighborhoods, not only Defense. I was in Lahore from 2006 to 2009. This included the State of Emergency. During that time, many more riot police were in the streets in various areas of the city, including Old Lahore.
Goodness! You’re white. Of course, there were guards around and all over you! You were ONE person among MILLIONS; if there were guards around you, this does not mean they were everywhere. Are you really stupid or are you just pretending to be stupid?
Hi Aijaz,
Generally I went around in shalwar kameez, with dupatta and sunglasses. I didn’t stick out from the crowds that way. The guards were around, in front of stores working their regular shifts. Several ex-army personnel also guarded by school. None of these particular incidents of seeing guards were because of my presence.
Hi, my husband is from Sialkot and he is currently visiting there his family. I’m here in UK googling which gifts shall I ask for amd here I found this article and I find it most useful, on most others I found that I should get shalwar kameez, mangoes and leather jacket! None of which I like 😉 Next year I’m planning to visit Pakistan for the first time with my daughter and husband. Any advice on travel to Sialkot/Pakistan with my daughter (she will be 2 then) and what shall I see there? Will I need a face mask to cover from all the dust in the air or is it not as bad as my husband says it is? many thanks and thanks for sharing your experience 🙂
Thank you for this guidance. However, I want to clarify the fact that online shopping is Pakistan is no such hassle. Many reliable online stores are now catering the demand. The Elegance is one of them. You need not roam the congested market places. Enrich your shopping experience and get desirable products delivered at your doorstep from .
Very helpful – thanks. Am going to Pakistan soon to do some trekking. Will look out for all these tempting souvenirs!