Tuesday after school I headed off to the Saigon airport for a 2-hour flight to Singapore followed by a 14-hour flight to London. Upon arrival, my boss and I were picked up by a chauffeur and driven to Whittlebury Spa Hotel in Northamptonshire, about a 90-minute drive north of London. We arrived at the, Read More
I was recently interviewed on Expats Blog, a blog site that curates the best expat blogs from around the world. Expats Blog has published more than 180 interviews with expats from around the world. Check mine out here: American Expat Living in Vietnam Tweet
Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and our Vietnamese friends and neighbors are busy celebrating Tet. At our son’s preschool, they had a colorful Tet celebration. Our nanny bought Gabriel a traditional silk ao dai. The kids also practiced dancing with dragon costumes. Many people travel during Tet to go, Read More
There are two reasons why I have not been keeping up this blog: 1. My son Gabriel (now 17 months) keeps me busy by engaging in activities like attempting to somersault off the couch. 2. In April, my husband and I accepted teaching positions at American Academy Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City and, Read More
Photo: Our nonfunctional fireplace. It’s much colder than the 65 degrees it should be. Holding my swelling belly with both hands, I heave myself onto my back and eventually achieve a position where I can glance at the digital clock on my nightstand. Blank. I know it’s after 4:30 a.m., but it’s still dark., Read More
Alright, so I’m the oldest in my family and my parents are really itching to tell everyone they are going to be grandparents, so here’s the news! Duarte and I are really excited; I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant and if all goes normally, the baby will be due at the end of January. FAQs:, Read More